Repository of Illustrations
for Release 3

 Deliverable 5.1.3.a
by WP5 of the TERENCE project

Authors: Blanka Radnóti, Barbara Szepesi-Szűcs, Zsolt Sárközi,
Zsófia Ruttkay (MOME),   contact:         

Date: 30.9.2013        

The task

From the revised DoW (26.6.2012), the description of D5.1.3 is:  „ Final repository of illustrations and technical report concerning the state of the art of illustrations for the
TERENCE learners; M36; Other; MOME: The deliverable will contain the final illustrations (for stories, games and their related items), for the stories and games of deliverables D2.2.3 and D4.3.3, and a short technical report on the state of the art and design of illustrations according to the requirements of D2.1.3.”

This online deliverable is meant to provide the material for fulfillment of the final repository task. The short technical report can be found in a separate document as D5.1.3.b, also available online here.

Production scheme

On 2.September 2013 WP5 received a requirement list (english version report 1-2-3 , english version report 4 , english version report 5)of smart game illustrations by e-mail from Piepaolo Vittorini (WP7). This list enumerated images with some problems: mismatching content, or the illustration was missing. As this list was generated by using the internal reference names of the TERENCE software, and used different identifiers than in D5.1.2 according to the specification for Release 2, the first task was to identify which images were involved. This was done based on the visual summary provided by WP7.  Then the illustrators who originally prepared the images made the corrections. In this way the integrity of style was preserved.
As in the requirement list some identical images were mentioned under different identifiers (for English and Italian version of the same story, or in several occasions of games for the same book), finally WP5 had to revise 62 images.

Content of the current repository

As only a small number of images had to be revised of the total 1287 images for the Release 2 version of the smart games, and no other material was asked to be altered, we in this Deliverable we give only the revised / added images, the rest can be found in Deliverable 5.1.2 This solution was also necessary as in this round, for the revised images the different naming system did not make it possible to integrate the new images to the system used in D 5.1.2. 

Format of the current online repository

In  the table below, we list all the revised images, in .ai and .pdf format. For identifying them, the following file naming convention is used:
- file names starting with GAM  (in capital) indicate  new illustrations. The file name is the one given in the requirement list.
- other file names are the file names used in D5.1.2, but extended with _v2, to indicate that this is the 2nd version of the images.
In the first column, we use the reference for the book and story as given in the requirement list. As the numbering of books and stories differ from the one used in Release2, for orientation we give in brackets the old book-story reference used in D5.1.2. Where this cell is empty, the content in the above cell applies.

In the second column, the requirement (reported problem) is listed. If in a cell 2 or 3 items are given, then they all refer to the same image.

Book-story-version, as given in the req. list

Problem, as given in the requirement list



BOOK 1;2 (book 1)
STO1-STV1 ; STO6-STV21  (story 1) GAM-272 the graphics FIXED EVENT suggests the answer
GAM-9 the illustration of the FIXED EVENT suggests the answer 
gam-32--q6_v2 gam-32--q6_v2
STO2-STV5 ; STO7-STV-25 (story 2) GAM-323 FIXED EVENT square instead of round
GAM-71  FIXED EVENT square instead of round 
e43_v2 e43_v2
GAM-72 CHO-219 the picture is not consistent with the caption “Little Hugh decided to visit the Fashion House”
c_e15_v2 c_e15_v2
STO3-STV9 ; STO8-STV29  (story 3) GAM-373 the illustration of the FIXED EVENT suggests the answer
GAM-120 FIXED EVENT illustration suggests the answer 
q37_v2 q37_v2
GAM-375 FIXED EVENT square instead of round
GAM-375 fixed event_v2 GAM-375 fixed event_v2
GAM-376 FIXED EVENT square instead of round
GAM-376 fixed event_v2 GAM-376 fixed event_v2
GAM-115 CHO-353 the caption talks about Annie, the Ugolino’s dog, but the illustration showing a little girl e37_w3 e37_w3_v2 e37_w3_v2
GAM-116 CHO-355 the caption talking about Annie, but the illustration shows David  e35_w2_v2 e35_w2_v2
GAM-117 CHO-360 the caption talking about Annie, but the illustration shows David  e45_w4_v2 e45_w4_v2
GAM-119 FIXED EVENT illustration is not consistent with the caption “Little Hugh realized he was transparent”  e37_w2_v2 e37_w2_v2
GAM-120 CHO-368 the illustration does not show the character “Little Hugh” but the bottle  gam-2179--64_v2 gam-2179--64_v2
GAM-121 CHO-372 the caption talking about Annie, but the illustration shows David e21_v2 e21_v2
GAM-123 CHO-377 the captions talking about Annie, but the illustrations show David
GAM-123 CHO-378 the captions talking about Annie, but the illustrations show David
GAM-124 CHO-381 the caption talking about Annie, but the illustration shows David 
GAM-123 CHO-377_v2 GAM-123 CHO-377_v2
STO4-STV13 ; STO9-VTS33 (stoy 4) GAM-421 CHO-1300 the illustration is not clearly visible and centered
GAM-165 CHO-508 the illustration is not clearly visible and centered
e31_w3_v2 e31_w3_v2
GAM-427 FIXED EVENT square instead of round
GAM-422 FIXED EVENT the picture does not match the caption, talks about the sweet Fork and shows another sweet
GAM-166 FIXED EVENT the picture does not match the caption, talks about the sweet Fork and shows another sweet
e22_v2 e22_v2
BOOK 3;4 (book2)
STO11-STV41 ; STO16-STV61 (story 1)  GAM-525 CHO-1621 the picture does not match the caption “the people were very surprised” e54_v2 e54_v2
GAM-526 FIXED EVENT illustration suggests the answer  
q61_v2 q61_v2
GAM-528 FIXED EVENT "... takes pickaxe, rope and hooks," but the illustration also shows paint and brushes that are at a later stage of history
e8_v2 e8_v2
GAM-528 CHO-1633 does not correspond to the picture caption, speaks of Ernestine and shows Mary  GAM-528 Cho-1633_v2 GAM-528 Cho-1633_v2
GAM-530 CHO-1638 the pictures does not match the captions “Mary decided to visit the village" GAM-530 Cho-1638_v2 GAM-530 Cho-1638_v2
GAM-530 Cho-1639 the pictures does not match the captions “The painter saw the small village”  GAM-530 Cho-1639_v2 GAM-530 Cho-1639_v2
GAM-769 CHO-2382 Mario appoint an electrician, but the electrician is Luigi, in addition, the illustration shows Mario Luigi not.  e45_w2_v2 e45_w2_v2
STO13-STV49 ; STO18-STV69 (story 3) GAM-621 CHO-1923 the caption talks about Ernestine, but the picture shows another character  e13_v2 e13_v2
GAM-627 FIXED EVENT illustration suggests the answer “"Who thinks the stars?"
q61_v2 q61_v2
GAM-629 il FIXED EVENT the eyes of the character in the illustration are not well designed book2-story3-version1-new-c29--c_e28_v2 book2-story3-version1-new-c29--c_e28_v2
STO14-STV53 ; STO19-STV73 (story 4)  GAM-661 FIXED EVENT the illustration is not correct go put the black dog with white spots
GAM-662 CHO-2049
GAM-663 CHO-2051
GAM-663 CHO-2053 
e30_v2 e30_v2
GAM-662 CHO-2048 the picture does not match the caption “Ernestine watched the roof”
GAM-923 CHO-2859 
e1_w1_v2 e1_w1_v2
GAM-664 CHO-2056 the picture does not match the caption “Spotty did not liked Ernestine’s hand”  e40_w2_v2 e40_w2_v2
GAM-668 CHO-2070 the picture does not match the caption “Ernestine and Spotty” 41_w1_v2 41_w1_v2
GAM-670 CHO-2075 the picture does not match the caption “There was stardust around the planet”
GAM-930 CHO-2883 
e11_v2 e11_v2
GAM-672 CHO-2080 the eyes of the character in the illustration are not well designed  GAM-672 cho-2080_v2 GAM-672 cho-2080_v2
STO15-STV57 ; STO20-STV77 (story 5)  GAM-713 CHO-2209 the picture does not match the caption, speaks of a coat and shows a hat
GAM-714 CHO-2212
GAM-973 CHO-3017 
GAM-974 CHO-3020
e4_w1_v2 e4_w1_v2
GAM-716 CHO-2218 the picture does not match the caption, speaks of binoculars and shows windscope
GAM-976 CHO-3026 
e33_w1_v2 e33_w1_v2
GAM-718 FIXED EVENT illustration suggests the answer
GAM-718 fixed event_v2 GAM-718 fixed event_v2
BOOK5 ; BOOK 6 (Book 3)
STO22-STV85 ; STO28-STV109 (story 2) GAM-1077 CHO-3342 speaks of a trap door, but the illustration shows a door
GAM-1078 CHO-3344 
GAM-1079 CHO-3347
GAM-1389 CHO-4314
GAM-1390 CHO-4316
GAM-1391 CHO-4319 
GAM-18932--e29_v2 GAM-18932--e29_v2
GAM-1081 CHO-3355 speaks of Ida and the illustration shows Simo
GAM-1393 CHO-4327 
book3-story2-version1-new-C8-c_e15_w2_v2 book3-story2-version1-new-C8-c_e15_w2_v2
GAM-1082 CHO-3357 speaks about Simo but the illustration shows the big man
GAM-1394 CHO-4329 
book3-story2-version1-new-C9-c_e70_v2 book3-story2-version1-new-C9-c_e70_v2
GAM-1082 CHO-3359 speaks of Ida and the illustration shows Simo
GAM-1394 CHO-4331 
GAM-18625--e15_w3_v2 GAM-18625--e15_w3_v2
GAM-1086 FIXED EVENT illustration suggests the answer "Those arriving in the waves?"
GAM-19170--q47_v2 GAM-19170--q47_v2
STO25-STV97 ; STO31-STV121 (story 5) GAM-1235 CHO-3833 the picture does not match the caption “Anna began to beat the box”
GAM-1547 CHO-4805 
book3-story5-version1-new-C75--c_e67_w3_v2 book3-story5-version1-new-C75--c_e67_w3_v2
GAM-1245 CHO-3862 speaks about Ida but the illustration shows Effy
GAM-1557 CHO-4834 
book3-story5-version1-new-C75--c_e59_v2 book3-story5-version1-new-C75--c_e59_v2
GAM-1245 CHO-3863 speaks about Ida but the illustration shows Effy
GAM-1557 CHO 4835 
book3-story5-version1-new-C75--c_e56_v2 book3-story5-version1-new-C75--c_e56_v2
STO26-STV101 ; STO32-STV125 (story 6) GAM-1296 CHO-4022 speaks about Ida but the illustration shows Aidan book3-story6-version1-new-C53--c_e53_w3_v2 book3-story6-version1-new-C53--c_e53_w3_v2
GAM-1602 CHO-4975 the picture does not match the caption, it speaks about Ernesta but shows Effy
GAM-1603 CHO-4976 
GAM-290983--e48_w3_v2 GAM-290983--e48_w3_v2
BOOK 7 ; BOOK 8 (Book 4)
STO33-STV129 (story 1) GAM-1649 CHO-5121 the picture does not match the caption, it is written that Ben speaks, however the illustration shows that Sophie is talking  GAM-31211--e20_w3_v2 GAM-31211--e20_w3_v2
GAM-1653 CHO-5136 the picture does not match the caption “Mum and Tina went for a cup of coffee” GAM-31716-e37_v2 GAM-31716-e37_v2
STO35-STV137 (story 3) GAM 1751 CHO-5437 The illustration shows the dog Liz, but the caption speaks of Sue “Sue waged her tail happily” ( “Susanna wagging happy”)  e38_w2_v2 e38_w2_v2
GAM-1749 CHO-5432 the picture does not match the caption “Sue and Tina made a huge pile of rubbish”  e28_w3_v2 e28_w3_v2
GAM-1805 CHO-5603 the pictures do not match the captions “The village people gathered the mice at the shop”  e29_w1_v2 e29_w1_v2
GAM-1805 CHO-5604 the pictures do not match the captions “Mary and Luke hoped to bring the animals home”  e48_w2_v2 e48_w2_v2
STO37-STV145 (story 5)  GAM-1858 CHO-5771 the caption speaks of Sue the dog, but the illustration shows Sophie, the little girl, illustration must be corrected 81_w1_v2 81_w1_v2
STO39-STV153 (story 7) GAM-1956 CHO-6072 the caption speaks of grandmother, but the illustration shows the grandfather 103_w3_v2 103_w3_v2
GAM-1959 CHO-6079 the picture does not match the caption “Mum realized that all was well with her family”  e62_v2 e62_v2
GAM-1963; CHO-6094 the picture does not match the caption “The cold wind did not blow”  c_e1_w3_v2 c_e1_w3_v2
GAM-1964 CHO-6097 the caption speaks of the uncle, but the illustration shows the aunt “Uncle Joe smiled at Mum with his new false teeth” c_e60_w3_v2 c_e60_w3_v2
BOOK9 (book 5)
STO51-STV201 (story 1) GAM-2567 CHO-7955 the picture does not match the caption “The man started running” e1374_w3_v2 e1374_w3_v2
GAM-2571 CHO-7968 the picture does not match the caption “Fred came out of the café”  e1374_v2 e1374_v2
STO52-STV205 (story 2)  GAM-2624 the picture of FIXED EVENT does not match the caption “Fred calmed down”  e1886_w1_v2 e1886_w1_v2
STO56-STV221 (story 6) GAM-2825 CHO-8742 both the caption that the illustration are wrong, because the subject is not Loise but Clara  e200_v2 e200_v2
GAM 2826 FIXED EVENT the illustration is missing Clara  e636_v2 e636_v2
GAM-2833 CHO-8768 the caption speaks of Bonny, but the illustration shows Louise  2097_w3_v2 2097_w3_v2



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