
International projects
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A MOME TechLab csatlakozott a fenti címmel elindított EU  COST IS1404 akcióhoz.  A téma aktualitását jelzi, hogy 31 ország vesz részt partnerként, akik kutatókat mellett kiadókat sőt írókat is delegáltak. Ruttkay Zsófia, aki a menedzsment bizottság (MC) egyik magyar tagja, április 8-10 között részt vett a Ljubljanaban rendezett első találkozón. Itt munkacsoportok alakultak egy-egy kérdés körüljárására. A MOME TechLab az interaktív könyvek vizuális  tervezése, valamint a figyelemmegosztás  és kognitív terhelés biometrikus mérésének témáiban érdekelt. Ősszel a berlini egyetemen lesz egy továbbképzés az utóbbi eszközökről, melyeket a labor az interaktív könyv kutatásban szeretne hasznosítani. 

További információk: http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/isch/Actions/IS1404


Together with Skillset Media Academy in Newport,Gobelin in Paris, the Creative Technology Lab is one of the co-organizers of  Tansform@Lab International Summer School. The Summer School provides 4x1 week training for an international group of students, in order to design and develop transmedial projects. The 2011 Summer School was a success, providing EU MEDIA funding for the continuation in 2012.

For more information please see the Tansform@Lab web site: http://www.transformatlab.eu/



TERENCE - Interactive storybook to improve text comprehension


 The TERENCE project is a 7th European Framework Program (FP7) Information Communication-  Technology (ICT) Specific Targeted research Project (STReP).

 14 partners are participating from 8 countries in the project, led by the University of L'Aquila with the goal to  develop an interactive and adaptive e-Learning system to help 6-12 year old children with text  comprehension  difficulties in improving their skills. The effect of the system will be tested on Italian and  English children.




Previous EU projects

3dLife EU Network of Excellence 2010-2014

From MOME CTL Zsófia Ruttkay has been active in this international network, which is focussing on the technology and semantics of  3d web  content.


Cross-Modal Analysis of  Verbal and Non-verbal Communication EU COST 2008-2011

Zsófia Ruttkay has been participating and leading one of the WPs.


COST 2102 project web page: cost2102.cs.stir.ac.uk

Emotional facial expressions - Japanese-Hungarian cooperation

Emotions on Cartoon Faces - Do Japanese and Hungarian Perseive then Differently?

Osaka Institute of Technology (Prof. Tomoko Koda) – MOME (Ruttkay Zsófia) projekt 2009-2011


Nowadays on displays of computer or mobil phones we  often come across talking and gesturing virtual characters, who must be ableo also to show emotions via their facial expressions. In this research we set out to explore if Japanese and Hungarian interpret certain facialexpression in a similar or different way. In the bilateral research Japanese and Hungarian students create faces with sad and happy expressions, which will be tested among both nations. The first experiments suggest that the Japanese pay more attention to the eye region, while the Hungarian to the mouth region, in attirbution an emotion to the facial expression.



2009 Fall:           online experiments with faces designed in Japan
2010 March:       Prof. Tomoko Koda visiting CTL at MOME
2010 Spring:       MOME students prepare the Hungarian faces with teh CharToon software
2010 Fall:           evaluation of the Hungarian faces

2011 Spring:      publication of the results


  1. T. Koda, Y. Nakagawa, K. Tabuchi, Zs. Ruttkay: From Cartoons to Robots: Facial Regions as Cues to Recognize Emotions, HRI2010, 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, March 2-5 2010, Osaka

  2. T. Koda T. Sano, Z. Ruttkay: From Cartoons to Robots Part 2: Facial Regions as Cues to Recognize Emotions, Human-Robot Interaction (HRI2011), Lausanne, March 2011