
Veszprém: Sándor Weöres - Words Stirred

The Lackó Dezső Museum, Veszprém is opening the exhibition SÁNDOR WEÖRES – WORDS STIRRED on 22 January 2016, 15.00 p.m.  on the Day of  Hungarian Culture. The interactive exhibition of the Petőfi Literary Museum was made in partnership with MOME TechLab.

Aalto University

Between 10 and 12 December Zsófia Ruttkay visited Aalto University, Department of Computer Science, where she was the opponent of a PhD thesis in the field of „embodied interface”. Before the defense she gave a lecture on the Digital Museum projects of MOME TechLab and got to know the projects of the MediaLab.There are plans of future collaboration in the field of Digital Museum. 

TechLab on conferences
On November 24 TechLab will be present on two conferences.
Date:  23-24 November 2015
Zsófia Ruttkay: Live Books - 24 November Tuesday 13:55
Place:ELTE Egyetemi Könyvtár Tanácsterem
1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.
Date: 24 November 2015  9.00-17.00 p.m.
Zsófia Ruttkay: Rooftops at Dawn - Interactive walks for smartphones - 16.00 p.m.
Place: MTA Könyvtár és Információs Központ
Konferenciaterem, II. emelet
Budapest V. ker., Arany János u. 1.


Tér-Idő radio interview

The radio interview of 10th & 11th November in connection with the MUSEUM@DIGIT Conference in the programme of Radio Kossuth titled 'Tér-Idő' can be listened to on Médiaklikk in the next few weeks. Each part starts at 14.32 p.m. 



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